PDC bits

These PDC bits with a steel body are all-purpose bits used for full-hole drilling of vertical, directional and horizontal oil and gas wells depending on the design features required. These bits are designed using BitScan software to optimally position the cutters in the bit and predict controllability, ROP and bit life. Application of various PDC cutters can extend the design integrity and bit performance. Flushing through open channels at the bottom provides efficient bottomhole cleaning and tool cooling. FD bits feature high performance and provides optimal penetration rate at high ROP and minimal cost of drilling.

These PDC bits with a matrix body are used for the oil and gas industry. They feature high abrasion and erosion wear resistance. These bits are designed using BitScan software to optimally position the cutters in the bit and predict controllability, ROP and bit life. Application of various cutters can extend the design integrity and bit performance. Flushing through open channels at the bottom provides efficient bottomhole cleaning and tool cooling. FDM bits feature high performance and provides optimal penetration rate at high ROP and minimal cost of drilling.

These PDC bits are designed for open-hole sidetracking. They features high performance and provides fast execution of operations.

These PDC bits with a steel body are applied for hole reaming and gaging. The design uses a parabolic profile, which prevents spontaneous sidetracking

These PDC bits with a steel body are designed for underreaming while drilling. These bits features high performance and provide stress free penetration at high ROP and minimum cost of drilling.

These PDC bits with a steel body features high performance and are used for core drilling.

Ports (unchangeable nozzles), threaded nozzles, bit breakers

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